Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Start Being Selfish

Knowing that I write a blog on relationships and men, my friend recently bought me a book entitled , "How to Set his Thighs on Fire", written by the Cosmo Editor in Chief Kate White. Well, let me just say that the book is filled with a bunch of bogus crap and I can't believe that women take what she wrote to heart. There are about 100 chapters dedicated mostly to relationship and sex advice that she has learned throughout the course of her career and life. I'm not quite sure what makes her an expert on either, but I suppose that because her magazine is filled with columns of similar content, she felt that she was qualified to write a book. There was one post that actually suggests placing a donut around a guy's member and eat it off and another that suggests dumping cold marbles on your bed prior to the act. I actually ran this by a guy and he promptly responded with please don't ever do that to anyone with a look of complete confusion.

I personally think instead of writing about how to please a man, she should have been more focused on teaching women how to please ourselves, since this is the area in which I think we are deficient. Women have serious problems in always wanting to make sure a man is satisfied when in reality a man will get to that point regardless 99% of the time. A lot of women on the other hand have no idea how to please themselves sexually, which was even more evident after I saw Oprah yesterday and a sex therapist was on the show. I was amazed by how many women do not know their own physical anatomy and yet we expect men to know?! That doesn't even make sense, so I think we all need to take an interest in trying to understand and please ourselves. Many times we put our feelings to the side and think, "I wonder what I can do to make him happy" or "I wonder if he thinks I'm sexy". Let me educate you all on something, if he wasn't happy or attracted to you, he wouldn't be there at all. So, start being more selfish and work on making you happy :)


A Margarita said...


Donuts? Sounds sticky.

Anonymous said...

Dumping marbles on a bed is never a good idea when people are naked! Funny post!