Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Patisserie in Barcelona...who needs France?!

So tonight I wandered around in search of food and came across a patisserie. When I walked in it felt like something out of a French movie. Shiny glass containers filled with pastry dough stuffed with any type of filling you wanted, cute silver coffee mugs and white chairs. I would have stayed if I didn’t suffer from the “I feel stupid eating alone” complex. Since I do though, I just took my spinach wrapped in pastry dough to go. On the way out I took a bite and it was amazing! I literally turned back around and went and ordered this giant chocolate croissant as well. The cashier smiled and said, “Te gusta si?! Hell yea I liked it…you see my fat ass didn’t even reach the door before I went back for more! That little prick knows that it happens to atleast 40% of the people that come in there…don’t’ act like I’m an anomaly. They probably have a little chalkboard behind the register to keep a tally. Half way back to the hotel I walked past a mirror and wanted to die. There was powdered sugar all over my face and my navy blue coat. I looked like I just had a fight with a bag of flour. :-/

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