Friday, August 1, 2008

Boys and Boston

I was out last night with a friend who was visiting from out of town and I must say that I am thoroughly annoyed with the young male population in Boston. First of all, I didn't even really want to socialize...just wanted to go out with my girl, have a drink and go home. When we arrived at the venue, we ran into a guy that my friend previously dated. The friend, who we didn't really like to begin with due to overt arrogance, had a guy friend with him. I knew immediately that I was going to have to force myself to converse simply to be cordial and not come off as socially inept. I generally hate having to be a wing woman, when I'm not in the mood to flirt shamelessly with people I don't even like. Anyway, so I proceed to talk with him, asking the usual..."so what do you do here in Boston, work or school?" "how old are you?" This boy immediately starts to sweat and states that he feels like he's on an interview. Umm, I don't know what type of interviews he's been on but I've never been asked two questions, nor ones of those caliber. He must be SOL during an actual interview. So I stopped asking him questions, per his request, and he just stared at me out of confusion. I started thinking ...didn't this boy just ask me to refrain from asking him questions? Perhaps I misunderstood and out of sheer awkwardness I tried to figure out something to talk about that didn't require too much intellectual exertion. As such, I did happen to notice he was wearing one of those livestrong plastic bracelets in black and here is how the remainder of the conversation played out:

Me: Oh, you have one of those bracelets. I've never seen a black one, what does it mean?
Boy: Excellence
Me: *smile* Very nice, so I'm assuming you try to strive for excellence in your life huh
Boy: No, not really
Me: Wow **proceed to turn around and discontinue the conversation**

That was the ultimate turnoff, even as a friendly conversation and he didn't even realize it. Do you think a lack of ambition impresses girls?! What is wrong with men in Boston! I'm going to help you guys out with a short list of the qualities and traits that girls like:

*Generosity...if you go buy yourself a drink, offer to buy one for her as well jerk.
*Little bit of Swagger (for those of you who don't know what this's just confidence splashed with a hint of charisma and charm)
*Non-jackass tendencies ( do not talk to other girls in the process of trying to pick up another)

You're welcome and I will be expecting my e-card thank yous in my mailbox within a week.


A Margarita said...

Hehe, I think you were too intelligent for him. Maybe he thought he was playing hard to get? Either way, a third-class moron.

Elle said...

haha, yes...but I found out later he was a carpenter and lived at home. I'm thinking that was a factor in him not wanting to answer questions. But you know...I wouldn't even care about the carpenter part...jesus was a carpenter. lol

Anonymous said...

Haha! Hun they're like that no matter where you are. I love that little exchange between the two of you.

Elle said...

I'm starting to realize that Kim and it's soooo depressing haha.

Berlin Again said...

I'm indeed a perfect 'swagger.'

Maybe he felt intimidated. When a girl is more successful it's kind of a huge turn off -- hurts our egos.

Either way, you might just need a classy, yet cheesy Frenchie to fulfill the criteria you mentioned. :]

Elle said...

Thanks for the comment Berlin! But why is it that successful women are a turnoff? Essentially you can have/get more things b/c the dual incomes would be that much higher hahah!