Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Lemon Law

Why is it that there is not a lemon law applicable to men? For those of you who don’t know what a lemon law is:A law obligating manufacturers or sellers to repair, replace, or refund the price of motor vehicles that prove to be defective.Doesn’t it make more sense to get protection for something that doesn’t depreciate as soon as you drive it off the lot? In many cases it seems that after you decide to buy (i.e. establish exclusivity) with a man, you always concurrently find something drastically wrong. There could be minor problems such as beginning to completely ignore you when a sporting event comes on, to the more difficult ones such as sexual dysfunction. If you are like me, I don’t like to give the milk out for free, so only when someone becomes a boyfriend will I have the opportunity to find out the latter of these two. This style of interaction tends to pose a significant problem. Now I like the guy as a lot, however if there is a problem…down there…then I’m placed in a sticky situation. (Excuse the pun) It really is just extremely selfish of men…If you have a serious insurmountable problem for most women you should disclose that information before the relationship gets serious. I am entering the relationship with the understanding of certain principles and to me that is considered a contract.I now have a few options to resolve this quandary…1. I can stick with him and see if the problem is correctable. Problem: Usually men are consistent beings and incapable of correcting a deficiency. 2. You can get rid of him completely. Problem: You want to get a similar man without his problem but that is virtually impossible. Furthermore, one of the basic laws in nature states that “Once you get rid of a man, more than likely you won’t have any viable ones waiting in the background.” Just one of the laws that we must accept ladies.As you can see, there does not seem to be a solution, which is why there should be a lemon law. After I find a problem with the current boyfriend, no matter how small…I want to trade him in to get a problem free model. Same stats, same personality, etc… minus the problem. I think everyone should write to his or her congressman to lobby for this change immediately….If we can get a new car for a repeated broken seatbelt, we should at least be able to get another boyfriend who isn’t completely inept.


P said...

That is a FANTASTIC idea. Why invest time and money on someone and then be left up shit-creek when they let you down. Only problem is, with most guys it is a GIVEN they will let you down, which is why no such law would probably ever be made for them!!!

Anonymous said...

haha, touche paula!